Flying NPG visit

Hi! Long time no see! I’m actually in the process of creating a new blog because this one has run out of space which as a (supposed) photography blogger is quite a big deal. I’ll post the link once I get around to finishing it.

So my latest Photography related news is that I went to the National Portrait Gallery last Monday on my way back home from Newcastle. It was a weekend visit to see knitternerd and I wish I was still there eating Brigadeiro. So after getting off of the dreaded megabus I had a 3 hour wait in Waterloo ahead of me and although I had some very heavy baggage with me (I just bought Black Hole by Charles Burns- so surreal) I thought it would make sense to visit the Man Ray Portraits exhibition since I missed it last time due to it being sold out. I got a student ticket too because I’m desperately clinging on to the glorious days of being a creative academic.

Here’s some of my favourites:

Marcel Duchamp New York 1916


Antonin Artaud 1926


Jacqueline 1930


Lee Miller in Man Ray’s Rue Campagne-premiere studio 1929

This one was so tiny and cute- really unlike the other portraits of Lee Miller he did.

This was number one for me:

Maret Oppenheim and Man Ray 1933

But this reproduction doesn’t show the eerie atmosphere of the original print.

I think Man Ray had a rare quality about him, something that you can’t put your finger on. All of these portraits reminded me of how human all of these famous artists were; Ray captured this so well through the lens. This kind of thing is nice to be reminded of when you’re struggling to identify as being an artist yourself.


Inspired by all of this I’ve done some self portraits today in full colour. I messed up on the light meter reading though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I get no results from the session, only the camera knows for now. I’ve loaded my Mamiya c330 up with some black and white film ready to shoot some of my friends this week hopefully, if they’re willing.

In other creative news I’ve been doing a few things with the sewing machine and I’ve been asked to do some backing vocals for a local band! I uploaded a new song on my soundcloud too so please do have a listen.

~ by shohpie on April 21, 2013.

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